Joint NAM S&T Centre - ZMT Bremen (Germany) Fellowship on “Blue Economy in Tropical Coastal Marine Research” - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR 2024

National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) is the focal point of the Center for Science and Technology of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Center), India. NASTEC provides fellowship opportunities for the scientists and technologists in Sri Lanka with the respective announcement released by the NAM S&T Centre to its member countries.

The NAM S&T Center has forwarded an announcement on “Joint NAM S&T Centre - ZMT Bremen (Germany) Fellowship” on Blue Economy in Tropical Coastal Marine Research and invites applications from suitable candidates for the year 2024. This Fellowship Programme was initiated in January 2008 for the affiliation of scientists from the developing countries with the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany [] for a period of up to 3 months to work with its Senior Researchers and Faculty Members for upgrading research skills in the fields related to Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Geology, Theoretical Ecology and Modelling, Social Sciences and Tropical Coastal Marine Systems, and undertaking short-term Joint Research Projects at ZMT, Bremen. ZMT research is organized in five thematic, interdisciplinary program areas (see more information here).

Proposals in the area of Blue Economy are highly encouraged in order to strengthen research on solutions. Depending on the research topic, the selected scientists can also benefit from the ZMT’s association with Bremen University and other well-established marine research institutes in Bremen.

NASTEC is pleased to circulate this fellowship announcement by inviting the interested individuals to apply. The last date for submission of applications for the Fellowship is Tuesday, 31 October 2023. Application recommended by the parent institution of the applicant and endorsed by the Focal Point of the NAM S&T Centre in the country of the applicant - (To receive the endorsement from NASTEC which is the focal point of NAM center for Sri Lanka, please send us your filled application and other relevant documents to on or before 26th October 2023) - may be submitted to the Centre by e-mail in the relevant format. A proposal on the scientific work to be carried out at ZMT, Bremen must be attached with the application. To prepare the proposal, applicants may carefully study the material available on the website of ZMT [] and get in touch with the respective Scientific Work Group Leader (can also be a Senior Scientist or the Scientific Director) at ZMT for scientific questions or via the E-mail: for administrative queries. Please articulate your research interest in the topic, competences you could bring in and potential outputs. To facilitate collaboration, it will be necessary to have a support letter from the Scientific Workgroup Leader, Senior Scientist or Scientific Director at ZMT who would host the fellow.

You can find a list of work group leaders under each scientific department under this link (

The selection will be made strictly based on the professional details of the applicant, plan of work to be carried out and mutual research interest of the applicant and ZMT. Copies of the guidelines for the Fellowship and the application form are attached (also available at the Centre’s Website- The Guidelines may please be read carefully before the submission of the application.

E-Circular Guidelines for NAM S&T Centre - ZMT Bremen Fellowship 2024-1         
Application form for NAM S&T Centre-ZMT Bremen Fellowship 2024