National Science and Technology Commission
Ministry of Science and Technology

Call for Papers
Science for Policy: Innovation-Driven Medical Research
Science for policy is defined as the development of policy advice based on research. It is a field that is constantly changing and essential to the knowledge economy.
YSF Workshop on "Advanced Techniques in Analytical Instrumentation: XRD and Electrochemical Workstation"
The Young Scientists Forum (YSF) of the National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC), in collaboration with the Department of Nano Science Technology, Faculty of Technology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, is organizing a skill development workshop on "Advanced Techniques in Analytical Instrumentation: XRD and Electrochemical Workstation"
YSF Webinar - Make impossible possible: in the context of research in the global south
Organized by Young Scientists Forum, National Science and Technology Commission
(Ministry of Education)
Vacancies: Management Assisstant (MA)